Monday, June 22, 2009

2009/06/22 Milo's New Computer

My computer has been having daily issues of late and it got to be a scary proposition as to whether it would turn on or not every day. Don picked out a new computer and we got it in the house 6/19/09. Milo is fascinated with all the boxes of course. Yesterday, he went to sleep in front of the new monitor so he now feels he owns it as he has sat patiently during all the installation of programs, teaching Linda new tricks on this new powerful Vista, and coming up with Excel spreadsheets to list all the things the humans thought they needed to do still on this new P.C. Man, this thing is powerful and it turns on when you want it to!!!!!!!!!! That is a really great thing to me after the last few weeks of babying one along to get it on. It has 640 Gigabytes of storage and 7 Gigabytes of memory (RAM). It also can burn DVDs and CDs and has a 15 in 1 memory card reader (For my pictures, it can read 15 different memory cards with the pictures on them that I want fed into the computer.) It also has Microsoft Office 7 on it for 60 days until I need to buy it. These products convert to older products at the click of a mouse!!! I just can't believe it. All the things I was afraid I would be without for a time are here in the here and now. I'm having such great fun with it and I think Milo likes it too as he has had an additional admirer around now for a few days. He loves Don (he thinks he might be related since his first addoptive mom was Don's daughter) and Milo is very loving to Don. So he is enjoying his time observing all the goings-on with setting up the P.C. No, we're not done yet but it is getting there pretty fast. The problem we ran into was that there is a receiver in the back that was supposed to be in the box to make the wireless keyboard and mouse work but this receiver was not there. We had to use an old wired keyboard and mouse to do the startup on the P.C. and we are being sent a whole new receiver, mouse and keyboard by the manufacturer. But it works just great using the wired items. I may like that better as I might lose anything not connected to the P. C. No telling what Milo can do with a mouse sitting without connection of any sort to anything.

Anyway, both Milo and I are having fun with this great new addition to the household.

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